Media Coverage

Podcast - National Public Radio

Sheilagh Ogilvie on "What a 16th-Century Guild Teaches Us About Competition"

Listen: Planet Money - The Tuesday Podcast

Podcast - BBC History Magazine

Sheilagh Ogilvie discusses consumption regulations in early modern Germany:

Listen: BBC History Magazine Podcast
Download: BBC Magazine History mp3

Feature Article - BBC History Magazine

For centuries many German citizens were forbidden to consume a variety of desirable goods, including "very wide trousers". Sheilagh Ogilvie, Markus Küpker and Janine Maegraith explain how such regulations may have had serious economic consequences

BBC History Magazine - 3 Jan 2012 - Beware What You Buy

"Was macht die Kunst, Sheilagh Ogilvie?" ["What Does Art Do, Sheilagh Ogilvie?"]

Monopol: Magazin für Kunst und Leben - An Interview with Sheilagh Ogilvie - September 2011.

"Auingen als Forschungsobjekt" ["Auingen Subjected to Academic Research"]

"In a research project that has received a lot of attention, a team from the University of Cambridge is currently investigating the consumption history of this Alb community"

Südwest Presse 27 August 2011.

"Wissen, was die Welt bewegt: Ruller erforscht in Cambridge Ursachen von Wirtschaftswachstum" ["Knowing What Moves the World: Scientist from Rulle Carries out Research in Cambridge into the Origins of Economic Growth."]

Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Article, 25 August 2011

"Woher kommt das Wirtschaftswachstum?" ["Where Does Economic Growth Come From?"]

Handelsblatt Article, 30 June 2011.

Time Magazine
"The Evolution of Keeping Up With the Joneses, as Seen in 17th Century German Villages "

Time Magazine Article, 8 June 2011

An Interview with Sheilagh Ogilvie on BBC Radio 4 "Woman's Hour", 24 May 2011 (interview starts at minute 33)
" Empty trash. Buy milk. Forge history."

Boston Globe Article 6th June 2011

300 Years of List-Making

A 'University Research Feature' article, 20 May 2011