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Faculty of Economics

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Munshi, K.

Strength in numbers: Networks as a solution to occupational traps

Review of Economic Studies

Vol. 78(3) pp. 1069-1101 (2011)

Abstract: The “new classical” theory states that families in low-skill occupations with low levels of human capital can stay poor from one generation to the next, while families in high-skill occupations with correspondingly high levels of human capital stay wealthy, despite being endowed with the same level of ability on average. This paper proposes an informal institutional mechanism—the community-based network—through which families belonging to the same neighbourhood or kinship group can bootstrap their way out of such low-skill occupational traps. The insight from the dynamic model that is developed is that once they form, new networks providing mutual support to their members and substituting for inherited parental human capital and wealth will strengthen most rapidly in historically disadvantaged communities, generating a correspondingly high level of intergenerational mobility. These predictions are successfully tested using unique data from India. The analysis in this paper, coupled wit

JEL Codes: D85, J62, L14, L22

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