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Faculty of Economics

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Mohaddes, K., Nugent, J., Selim, H.

Reforming Fiscal Institutions in Resource-Rich Arab Economies: Policy Proposals


Abstract: This paper traces the evolution of fiscal institutions of Resource Rich Arab Economies (RRAEs) over time since their pre-oil days, through the discovery of oil to their build-up of oil exports. It then identifies challenges faced by RRAEs and variations in their severity among the different countries over time. Finally, it articulates specific policy reforms, which, if implemented successfully, could help to overcome these challenges. In some cases, however, these policy proposals may give rise to important trade-offs that will have to be evaluated carefully in individual cases.

Keywords: Fiscal policy, fiscal institutions, fiscal sustainability, public spending efficiency, budget transparency, fiscal rules, volatility, oil curse, Arab World, oil exporters, and Middle East and North Africa

JEL Codes: E02 E62 H50 H60 H61 O53

Author links: Kamiar Mohaddes  


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