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Faculty of Economics

Journal Cover

Lawson, T.

Ontology and social relations: reply to Doug Porpora and to Colin Wight

Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour


Keywords: Complexity, Conflict, Cooperation, Obligations, Power over, Reductionism, Rights, Social relations

Author links: Tony Lawson  

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Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Huffman, D., Raymond, C. and Shvets, J. Persistent Overconfidence and Biased Memory: Evidence from Managers American Economic Review [2022]

Merrick Li, Z. and Linton, O. A ReMeDI for Microstructure Noise Econometrica [2022]

Gallo, E. and Yan, C. Efficiency and Equilibrium in Network Games: An Experiment Review of Economics and Statistics [2023]

Ritz, R. Does Competition Increase Pass-Through? Rand Journal of Economics, forthcoming [2023]