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Research Interests

International Trade, International Macroeconomics, Industrial Organization


I obtained a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Business Engineering from KU Leuven. I received a PhD in Economics from KU Leuven in 2023. During my graduate studies, I was a visitor in the Department of Economics at Harvard University. At Cambridge, my research is funded by a ESRC-funded fellowship at the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy (CTIP).

Recent Publications

Published Papers

Cambridge Working Papers in Economics

Working Papers

  • The Impact of a Large Depreciation on the Cost of Living of Rich and Poor Consumers: Evidence from Kazakhstan with Anatoli Colicev and Joep Konings - Revise & Resubmit
  • On the Sources of Market Segmentation in the EU with Frank Verboven
  • Commodity Exports, Heterogeneous Importers, and the Terms of Trade with Guilherme Tonsig Teijeiro.

Work in Progress

  • Geographic Market Segmentation: Evidence from the Bottled Water Industry

Research Associate

Research Groups:
Empirical Microeconomics

CV: Curriculum Vitae

Personal Site:

Contact Details
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