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Faculty of Economics


General Aggregative Models: General

Title AuthorsYearJEL Codes
Sticky Prices or Sticky Wages? An Equivalence ResultBilbiie, F. O., Trabandt, M.[2023]E10 E30 E50
Lessons of Keynes’s Economic Consequences in a Turbulent CenturyClavin, P., Corsetti, G., Obstfeld, M. and Tooze, A. [2021]B30 E10 E30 F30 F40 N10 N20
Economic and Epidemiological Effects of Mandated and Spontaneous Social DistancingBodenstein, M., Corsetti, G. and Guerrieri, L.[2021]E10 E30 I10
Social Distancing and Supply Disruptions in a PandemicBodenstein, M., Corsetti, G. and Guerrieri, L.[2020]E10 E30 I10
Beyond the DSGE straightjacketPesaran, M. and Smith, R. P.[2011]C10 E10

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