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Faculty of Economics


Design of Experiments: Laboratory, Individual

Title AuthorsYearJEL Codes
Learning in Canonical NetworksChoi, S., Goyal, S., Moisan, F., To, Y. Y. T.[2022]C91 C92 D83 D85
Mergers, Mavericks, and Tacit CollusionDarai, D., Roux, C., Schneider, F.[2019]C91 D43 K21 L13 L41
Culture and Colonial Legacy: Evidence from Public Goods Games Chaudhary, L., Rubin, J., Iyer, S. and Shrivastava, A.[2018]C91 C93 C71 H41 H73 N35 N45 O17 Z10
Discrimination, Social Identity, andCoordination: An ExperimentDaskalova, V.[2015]C72 C91 D84 J71
Networks in the laboratoryChoi, S., Gallo, E. and Kariv, S.[2015]C91 C92 D85 L14 Z13
Trading in Networks: Theory and ExperimentsCho, S., Galeotti, A. and Goyal, S.[2014]C70 C71 C91 C92 D40
Communication networks in marketsGallo, E.[2014]C73 C78 C91 C92 D83

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