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Faculty of Economics

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Iyer, S., Velu, C. and Mumit, A.

Communication and Marketing of Services by Religious Organizations in India

Journal of Business Research

Vol. 67(2) pp. 59-67 (2014)

Abstract: Marketing communication is a vital strategic tool for religious organizations to achieve competitive differentiation. The study uses media richness theory with competitive response to develop hypotheses about the use of personal and non-personal channels by religious organizations. The study uses unique primary survey data on 568 Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh and Jain organizations spread over 7 states in India, collected between 2006 and 2008, to investigate the marketing communication strategy of religious organizations in response to their competitors' use of non-personal communication channels and provision of non-religious services. The findings suggest that if a competitor uses higher non-personal communication channels, then this evokes a retaliatory reaction with the incumbent, increasing their personal communication channels. Second, an incumbent who is more responsive to a competitor increasing their non-religious service provision will respond by increasing their non-personal communication channels and by decreasing their personal channels. The findings have implications for managers who need to select the richness of the media for their communications' strategy in the context of competitive response.

Keywords: Marketing communication; Media richness; Competition; Religious organizations; India

Author links: Sriya Iyer  

Publisher's Link:

Cambridge Working Paper in Economics Version of Paper: Communication and Marketing of Services by Religious Organizations in India, Iyer, S., Velu, C. and Mumit , A. ., (2010)

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