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Title Authors Journal Year
Measuring the Wealth of NationsDasgupta, P.Annual Review of Resource Economics[2014]
Estimating the quadratic covariation matrix from noisy observations: local method of moments and efficiencyBibinger, M., Hautsch, N., Malec, P. and Reiss, M.The Annals of Statistics[2014]
Neglected heterogeneity in moment condition modelsSmith, R. J., Hahn, J. and Newey, W. K.Journal of Econometrics[2014]
Mafia and public spending: evidence on the fiscal multiplier from a quasi-experimentAcconcia, A., Corsetti, G. and Simonelli, S. American Economic Review[2014]
Neighbours and extension agents in Ethiopia: who matters more for technology adoptionKrishnan, P. and Patnam, M.American Journal of Agricultural Economics[2014]
How to create a financial crisisby trying to avoid one: the Brazilian 1999-financial collapse as "Macho-Monetarism" can't handle "Bubble Thy Neighbour" levels of inflowsPalma, J. G.Brazilian Journal of Political Economy[2014]
Pursuit of the Common GoodDasgupta, P. and Ramanathan, V.Science[2014]
Can achievement peer effect estimates inform policy? A view from inside the black boxFruehwirth, J. C. Review of Economics and Statistics[2014]
Communication and Marketing of Services by Religious Organizations in IndiaIyer, S., Velu, C. and Mumit, A.Journal of Business Research[2014]
Recent developments in empirical likelihood and related methodsParente, P.M.D.C. and Smith, R.J.Annual Review of Economics[2014]
Time series models with an EGB2 conditional distributionCaivano, M. and Harvey, A. C.Journal of Time Series Analysis[2014]
To ban or not to ban : foreign lobbying and cross-national externalitiesAidt, T. and Hwang, U.Canadian Journal of Economics[2014]
Sovereign risk and belief-driven fluctuations in the euro areaCorsetti, G., Kuester, K., Meier, A. and Müller, G. J.Journal of Monetary Economics[2014]
The international dimension of productivity and demand shocks in the US economyCorsetti, G., Dedola, L., and Leduc, S.Journal of the European Economic Association[2014]
Filtering with heavy tailsHarvey, A. C. and Luati, A.Journal of the American Statistical Association[2014]
Stock prices and monetary policy shocks: a general equilibrium approachChalle, E. and Giannitsarou, C.Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control[2014]
EGARCH models with fat tails, skewness and leverageHarvey, A. C. and Sucarrat, G.Computational Statistics & Data Analysis[2014]
A new version of Edgeworth's taxation paradoxRitz, R.A.Oxford Economic Papers[2014]
Voting suffrage and the political budget cycle: evidence from the London Metropolitan Boroughs 1902-1937Aidt, T. S. and Mooney, G.Journal of Public Economics[2014]
A two-tired demographic system: 'insiders' and 'outsiders' in three Swabian communities, 1558-1914Guinnane, T. W. and Ogilvie, S.The history of the family[2014]
Returns to tenure or seniority?Buhai, I.S., Portela, M.A., Teulings, C.N., van Vuuren, A.Econometrica[2014]
The Effects of Credit Subsidies on DevelopmentAntunes, A., Cavalcanti, T.V.D., Villamil, A.Economic Theory[2014]
Social learning by chit-chatGallo, E.Journal of Economic Theory[2014]
The differential effects of oil demand and supply shocks on the global economyCashin, P., Mohaddes, K., Raissi, M.Energy Economics[2014]
Social networks and research outputDuctor, L., Fafchamps, M., Goyal, S. Van Der Leij, M.Review of Economics and Statistics[2014]
Attack, defence and contagion in networksGoyal, S. and Vigier, A.Review of Economic Studies[2014]
Competitive contagion in networksGoyal, S., Heidari, H. and Kearns, M.Games and Economic Behavior[2014]
Tuna-dolphin II: a legal and economic analysis of the appellate body reportCrowley, M. A.World Trade Review[2014]
Advances in robust and flexible inference in econometrics: a special issue in honour of Joel I. HorowitzChen, X.,Lee, S., Linton, O. and Tamer, E.Econometrics Journal[2014]
Do self-insurance and disability insurance prevent consumption loss on disability?Ball, S. and Low, H.Economica[2014]
Price discrimination and limits to arbitrage : an analysis of global LNG marketsRitz, R.Energy Economics[2014]
Can general purpose technology theory explain economic growth? Electrical power as a case studyRistuccia, C. A. and Solomou, S.European Review of Economic History[2014]
Emerging economies, trade policy, and macroeconomic shocksBown, C. P. and Crowley, M. A.Journal of Development Economics[2014]
Has the Income Share of the Middle and Upper-middle Been Stable around the '50/50 Rule', or has it Converged towards that Level? The 'Palma Ratio' RevisitedPalma, J. G. Development and Change[2014]
The Economics of VaccinationChen, F. and Toxvaerd, F.M.O.Journal of Theoretical Biology[2014]
Does the European marriage pattern explain economic growth?Dennison, T. and Ogilvie, S.Journal of Economic History[2014]
From micro to macro via production networksCarvalho, V. M.Journal of Economic Perspectives[2014]
Workers of the world, unite! Franchise extensions and the threat of revolution in Europe, 1820-1938Aidt, T. S. and Jensen, P. S. European Economic Review[2014]
Modelacion matematica e ideologia en la Economia AcademicaLawson, T.Revista de Economia Institucional[2014]
Cash transfers to the poor and the labor market: an equilibrium analysisCavalcanti ,T.V.D and Correa, M.Review of Development Economics[2014]
Community networks and the process of developmentMunshi, K.Journal of Economic Perspectives[2014]
The economics of guildsOgilvie, S.Journal of Economic Perspectives[2014]
Commons and the standard of living debate in Spain, 1860-1930Beltran Tapia, F.J.Cliometrica[2014]
Social and environmental filters to market incentives: the persistence of common land in nineteenth-century SpainBeltran, Tapia, F.J.Journal of Agrarian Change[2014]
Walk the line: conflict, state capacity and the political dynamics of reformJain,S., Majumdar,S. and Mukand, Sharun W.Journal of Development Economics[2014]
Unemployment and house price crises: lessons for fiscal policy from the Dutch recessionTeulings, C.N.IZA Journal of European Labor Studies[2014]
Averaging of an increasing number of moment condition estimatorsChen, X., Jacho-Chavez, D.T. and Linton, O.Econometric Theory[2014]
Applying a macro-finance yield curve to UK quantitative easingChadha, J.S. and Waters, A.Journal of Banking & Finance[2014]
A note on money and the conduct of monetary policyChadha, J.S., Corrado, L. and Holly, S.Macroeconomic Dynamics[2014]
Inventories and the stockout constraint in general equilibriumKatsuyuki, S. and Chadha, J.S.The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics[2014]
The financial market impact of UK quantitative easingBreedon, F., Chadha, J.S. and Waters, A.Oxford Review of Economic Policy[2014]
The Australian Accord from an international perspectiveBrown, W.Journal of Industrial Relations [2014]
From Centre Stage to Bit Player: Trade Unions and the British economy Wright, C.F., and Brown, W.Singapore Economic Review[2014]
Payment Systems and the Fall and Rise of IndividualismBrown, W. and Trevor, J.Historical Studies in Industrial Relations [2014]
What Sort of Collective Bargaining Is Emerging in China?Lee, C-H, Brown, W and Wen, XBritish Journal of Industrial Relations[2014]
Tenure profiles and efficient separation in a stochastic productivity modelBuhai, S. and Teulings, C.N.Journal of Business and Economic Statistics[2014]
How sharing information can garble expert's adviceElliott, M., Golub, B. and Kirilenko, A.American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings[2014]
Financial networks and contagionElliott, M., Golub, B. and Jackson, M.O.American Economic Review[2014]
Signal Detection in High Dimension: The Multispiked CaseOnatski, A., Moreira, M. J. and Hallin, M.The Annals of Statistics[2014]
Computation of Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Score Driven Models for Positive Valued Observations,Andres, P.Computational Statistics and Data Analysis[2014]
Nonparametric Estimation of a Periodic Sequence in the Presence of a Smooth TrendVogt, M. and Linton, O.Biometrika[2014]

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Bhattacharya, D., Dupas, P. and Kanaya, S. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions Review of Economic Studies [2023]

Elliott, M., Golub, B. and Leduc, M. V. Supply Network Formation and Fragility American Economic Review [2022]

Anesi, V. and Safronov, M. Deciding When to Decide: Collective Deliberation and Obstruction International Economic Review [2023]

Bilbiie, F. O., Monacelli, T. and Perotti, R. Stabilization vs. Redistribution: The Optimal Monetary-Fiscal Mix Journal of Monetary Economics, accepted [2024]