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Faculty of Economics

Journal Cover

Corsetti, G., Pericoli, M. and Sbracia, M.

Correlation analysis of financial contagion

Financial Contagion, the viral threat to the wealth of nation

pp. Kolb R; (2011)

Author links: Giancarlo Corsetti  

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Bhattacharya, D. and Shvets, J. Inferring Trade-Offs in University Admissions: Evidence from Cambridge Journal of Political Economy, accepted [2024]

Porzio, T., Rossi, F. and Santangelo, G. The Human Side of Structural Transformation American Economic Review [2022]

Carneiro, P., Liu, K. and Salvanes, K. G. The Supply of Skill and Endogenous Technical Change: Evidence from a College Expansion Reform Journal of the European Economic Association [2023]

Ke, T. T., Li, C. and Safronov, M. Learning by Choosing: Career Concerns with Observable Actions American Economic Journal: Microeconomics [2023]