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Faculty of Economics

Journal Cover

Van den Heuvel DWA, Van Nederveen Meerkerk E,

Huishoudens, werk en consumptieveranderingen in vroegmodern Holland. Het voorbeeld van de koffie- en theeverkopers in achttiende-eeuws Leiden

Historisch Tijdschrift Holland

Vol. 42 no. 2 (2010)

Abstract: 0

Papers and Publications

Recent Publications

Porzio, T., Rossi, F. and Santangelo, G. The Human Side of Structural Transformation American Economic Review [2022]

Elliott, M., Golub, B. and Leduc, M. V. Supply Network Formation and Fragility American Economic Review [2022]

Bhattacharya, D. Nonparametric Approaches to Empirical Welfare Analysis Journal of Economic Literature, forthcoming [2023]

Chen, J., Elliott, M. and Koh, A. Capability Accumulation and Conglomeratization in the Information Age Journal of Economic Theory [2023]