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Faculty of Economics


Fiscal Policy

Title AuthorsYearJEL Codes
Macroeconomic Perspectives on ProductivityChadha J. S., Samiri, I.[2024]E22 E24 E32 E44 E51 E62 O16 O42 O47
Stabilization vs. Redistribution: The Optimal Monetary-Fiscal MixBilbiie, F. O., Monacelli, T., Perotti, R.[2024]D91 E21 E62
Monetary Policy and Heterogeneity: An Analytical FrameworkBilbiie, F. O.[2024]E21 E31 E40 E44 E50 E52 E58 E60 E62
The Theory of Reserve Accumulation, Revisited Corsetti, G., Maeng, S. H.[2023]E43 E62 F34 H50 H63
Greed? Profits, Inflation, and Aggregate DemandBilbiie, F. O., Kanzig, D. R. [2023]D11 E32 E52 E62
Financial Factors, Firm size and Firm PotentialFerreira, M., Haber, T. and Rörig, C. [2021]E62 E22 E23
Covid-19 Fiscal Support and its EffectivenessChudik, A., Mohaddes, K. and Raissi, M.[2021]C32 E44 E62 F44
Workers, Capitalists, and the Government: Fiscal Policy and Income (Re)DistributionCantore, C. and Freund, L. B.[2020]E12 E21 E25 E32 E62
When is the Fiscal Multiplier High? A Comparison of Four Business Cycle PhasesBerge, T., De Ridder, M. and Pfajfar, D.[2020]E62 C31 C32
Debt Crises, Fast and SlowCorsetti, G. and Maeng, S. H.[2020]E43 E62 H50 H63
Union Debt ManagementEquiza-Goni, J., Faraglia, E., Oikonomou, R.[2018]E43 E62 H63
Identifying Global and National Output and Fiscal Policy Shocks Using a GVARChudik, A.,Pesaran, H., Mohaddes, K.[2018]C30 E62 H60
Reforming Fiscal Institutions in Resource-Rich Arab Economies: Policy ProposalsMohaddes, K., Nugent, J., Selim, H.[2018]E02 E62 H50 H60 H61 O53
Policy Shocks and Wage Rigidities: Empirical Evidence from Regional Effects of National ShocksDe Ridder, M. and Pfajfar, D.[2017]E52 E62 J30
Estimating Transfer Multiplier using Spending on Rural Development Programs in IndiaBahal, G.[2017]E62 H53 I38 O13
Long Term Government BondsFaraglia, E., Marcet, A., Oikonomou, R., Scott, A.[2016]E43 E62 H63
Macroeconomic Stabilization, Monetary-fiscal Interactions, and Europe's monetary UnionCorsetti, G., Dedola, L., Jarocinski, M., Mackowiak, B. and Schmidt, S.[2016]E31 E62 E63
Reconstruction multipliersTrezzi, R. and Porcelli, F.[2016]C36 E62 H70
Consumer Spending and Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence from a Housing Tax ExperimentSurico, P. and Trezzi, R.[2016]E21 E62 H31
Step away from the zero lower bound: Small open economies in a world of secular stagnationCorsetti, G., Mavroeidi, E., Thwaites, G. and Wolf, M.[2016]F41 E62
Are Bubbles Bad? Is a higher debt target for the Euro-zone desirable?Teulings, C. N.[2016]E44 E62
Secular Stagnation, Rational Bubbles, andFiscal PolicyTeulings, C. N.[2016]E44 E62
The Consumption Response to Liquidity-EnhancingTransfers: Evidence from Italian EarthquakesAcconcia, A., Corsetti, G. and Simonelli, S.[2015]E21 E62
Fiscal Policy and Trade Margins: An Educational ChannelGuadarrama-Baena, R. and Lastauskas, P.[2015]C26 F12 F16 E62 I28
Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth?Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, M. H. and Raissi, M.[2015]C23 E62 F34 H60
Fiscal Policy in an Unemployment CrisisRendahl, P.[2014]E24 E60 E62 H12 H30 J23 J64
Shake me the money! Trezzi, R. and Porcelli, F.[2014]C36 E62 H70
Public Finances, Business Cycles and Structural Fiscal BalancesLiu , K.[2014]C54 E32 E62 H62
Debt, Inflation and Growth: Robust Estimation of Long-Run Effects in Dynamic Panel Data ModelsChudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, M. H. and Raissi, M.[2013]C23 E62 F34 H6

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