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Faculty of Economics

Supply Chain Disruptions, the Structure of Production Networks, and the Impact of Globalization
Elliott, M., Jackson, M. O. (2024)

Keywords: Fragility, Globalization, International Trade, Production Networks, Supply Chains
JEL Codes: D85 E23 E32 F44 F60 L14

Experimental Evidence on Group Size Effects in Network Formation Games
Choi, S., Goyal, S., Guo, F., Moisan, F. (2024)

Keywords: Data, Group Size, Network Formation, Network Games, Networks

Social Structure, State, and Economic Activity
Bramoulle, Y., Goyal, S., Morelli, M. (2024)

Keywords: Economic Activity, Networks, Social Networks

Status Consumption in Networks: A Reference Dependent Approach
Bramoullé, Y., Ghiglino, C. (2024)

Keywords: Conspicuous Consumption, Loss Aversion, Social Networks

Interconnected Conflict
Dziubiński, M., Goyal, S., Zhou, J. (2024)

Keywords: Conflict, Investments, Models, Networks

The Dynamics of Social Identity, Inequality and Redistribution
Ghiglino, C., Müller, A. (2023)

Keywords: Inequality, Probabilistic Voting, Redistribution, Social Class, Social Identity, Tax Rate
JEL Codes: D64 D71 D72 H20

Corporate Culture and Organizational Fragility
Elliott, M., Golub, B., Leduc, M. V. (2023)

Keywords: Corporate Culture, fragility, Networks

Matching and Information Design in Marketplaces
Elliott, M., Galeotti, A., Koh, A., Li, W. (2023)

A Capability Approach to Merger Review
Boa, I., Elliott, M., Foster, D. (2023)

Learning in Canonical Networks
Choi, S., Goyal, S., Moisan, F., To, Y. Y. T. (2022)

Keywords: consensus, experimental social science, social learning, social networks
JEL Codes: C91 C92 D83 D85

Citations, funding and influence in Energy-Policy research on Developing Economies
Ali, M., Couto, L. C., Unsworth, S. and Debnath, R. (2022)

Keywords: developing countries, Energy policy, energy research, funding, science collaboration
JEL Codes: Q49 O39 I28

In platforms we trust: misinformation on social networks in the presence of social mistrust
Charlson, G. (2022)

Keywords: communication, misinformation, network design, Networks, platforms
JEL Codes: D82 D83 D85

People-centric Emission Reduction in Buildings: A Data-driven and Network Topology-based Investigation
Debnath, R., Bardhan, R., Mohaddes, K., Shah, D. U., Ramage, M. H. and Alvarez, R. M. (2022)

Keywords: building, computational social science, Emission, people-centric transition, Twitter
JEL Codes: C63 Q54

Clubs and Networks
Ding, S., Dziubinski, M., Goyal, S. (2021)

Third-Degree Price Discrimination in the Age of Big Data
Charlson, G. (2021)

Keywords: hypergraphs, industrial organisation, interventions, network games, platforms, Strategic interaction
JEL Codes: D40 L10 L40

Rating the Competition: Seller Ratings and Intra-Platform Competition
Charlson, G. (2021)

Keywords: Networks, strategic interaction, network games, interventions, industrial organisation, platforms
JEL Codes: D40 L10 L40

Market Segmentation Through Information
Elliott, M., Galeotti., A., Koh., A, and Li, W. (2021)

Keywords: Information design, market segmentation, price discrimination
JEL Codes: D43 D83 L13

Social networks, confirmation bias and shock elections
Gallo, E. and Langtry, A. (2020)

Keywords: social learning, confirmation bias, network, elections, media
JEL Codes: C63 D72 D83 D85 D91 L15



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