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Faculty of Economics


Production; Cost; Capital; Capital, Total Factor, and Multifactor Productivity; Capacity

Title AuthorsYearJEL Codes
Assessing China’s green hydrogen supply and end-use diffusion in hard-to-abate industriesTang, H., Reiner, D M., Chen, W.[2024]D24 Q21 Q41 Q42
Green growth and net zero policy in the UK: some conceptual and measurement issues.Ajayi, V., Pollitt, M.[2022]D24 O44 Q53 Q54
Changing times: Incentive regulation, corporate reorganisations, and productivity in the Great Britain’s gas networks.Ajayi, V., Pollitt, M.[2022]C23 D24 L51 L94
Incentive Regulation, Productivity Growth and Environmental Effects: The Case of Electricity Networks in Great BritainAjayi, V., Anaya, K. and Pollitt, M.[2021]D24 H23 L43 L94
State-Level Electricity Generation Efficiency: Do Restructuring and Regulatory Institutions Matter in the US?Ajayi, V. and Weyman-Jones, T.[2021]C23 D24 L51 L94
The Productivity Puzzle in Network Industries: Evidence from the Energy SectorAjayi, V., Dolphin, G., Anaya, K. and Pollitt, M.[2020]D24 O47 H23
The Aggregate Consequences of Default Risk: Evidence from Firm-level DataBesley, T., Roland, I. and Van Reenen, J.[2020]D24 E32 L11 O47
Is the NEM broken? Policy discontinuity and the 2017-2020 investment megacycleSimshauser, P. and Gilmore, J.[2020]D24 G31 L94
Merchant utilities and boundaries of the firm: vertical integration in energy-only marketsSimshauser, P.[2020]D23 D24 D25 G34 L94
Does competition increase pass-through?Ritz, R.[2019]D24 D41 D42 D43
Equilibrium supply security in a multinational electricity market with renewable productionTangeras, T.[2017]D24 H23 L94 Q48
Using a spatial econometric approach to mitigate omitted variables in stochastic frontier models: An application to Norwegian electricity distribution networksOrea, L. and Álvarez, I. and Jamasb, T.[2016]D24 L51 L94
Large Firm Dynamics and the Business CycleCarvalho, V. M. and Grassi, B.[2015]D21 D22 D24 E32 L11
Does Weather Have an Impact on Electricity Distribution Efficiency? Evidence from South AmericaAnaya, K. L. and Pollitt, M.[2014]C23 C52 D24 L94 Q50
Inefficiency persistence and heterogeneity in Colombian electricity distribution utilitiesGalán, J. E. and Pollitt, M.[2014]C11 C23 C51 D24 L94
Dynamic Efficiency and Incentive Regulation: An Application to Electricity Distribution NetworksPoudineh, R., Emvalomatis, G. and Jamasb, T. .[2014]L43 L51 L94 D21 D23 D24
Investment and Efficiency under Incentive Regulation: The Case of the Norwegian Electricity Distribution NetworksPoudineh, R. and Jamasb, T.[2013]L43 L51 L94 D21 D23 D24
Operational and Investment Response to Energy Prices in the OECD Manufacturing SectorSteinbuks, J. and Neuhoff, K.[2010]D24 E22 Q41 Q43

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