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Faculty of Economics

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Title Authors CWPE Number Year
Nonparametric Euler Equation Identification and EstimationEscanciano, J. C., Hoderlein, S., Lewbel, A. and Linton, O.CWPE2064 [2015]
Aggregating Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins of Female Labour SupplyAttanasio, O., Levell, P., Low, H. and Attanasio, O.CWPE1711 [2015]
Information Acquisition and Exchange inSocial NetworksGoyal, S., Rosenkranz, S., Weitze, U. and Buskens, V.CWPE1566 [2015]
Conflict and NetworksDziubinski, M., Goyal, S. and Vigier, A.CWPE1565 [2015]
Quantifying the productivity effects of global value chainsFormai, S. and Caffarelli, F.CWPE1564 [2015]
Attention and Saliency on the Internet: Evidence from an Online Recommendation SystemHelmers, C., Krishnan, P. and Patnam, M.CWPE1563 [2015]
Networks and Misallocation:Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage GapMunshi, K. and Rosenzweig, M.CWPE1562 [2015]
Religious Riots and Electoral Politics in IndiaIyer, S. and Shrivastava, A.CWPE1561 [2015]
Nonparametric Euler Equation Identification and EstimationEscanciano, J. C., Hoderlein, S., Lewbel, A. and Linton, O.CWPE1560 [2015]
Beyond Competitive Devaluations:The Monetary Dimensions of Comparative AdvantageBergin, P. and Corsetti, G.CWPE1559 [2015]
Aggregating Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins of Female Labour SupplyAttanasio, O., Levell, P., Low, H. and Attanasio, O.CWPE1558 [2015]
Contagion Exposure and Protection TechnologyCerdeiro, D.CWPE1557 [2015]
Large Firm Dynamics and the Business CycleCarvalho, V. M. and Grassi, B.CWPE1556 [2015]
Discrimination, Social Identity, andCoordination: An ExperimentDaskalova, V.CWPE1555 [2015]
The Labor Market Consequences of Electricity Adoption: Concrete Evidence from the Great DepressionMorin, M.CWPE1554 [2015]
The Consumption Response to Liquidity-EnhancingTransfers: Evidence from Italian EarthquakesAcconcia, A., Corsetti, G. and Simonelli, S.CWPE1553 [2015]
An investigation into Multivariate Variance Ratio Statisticsand their application to Stock Market PredictabilityHong, S. Y., Linton, O. and Zhang, H. J.CWPE1552 [2015]
Networks in the laboratoryChoi, S., Gallo, E. and Kariv, S.CWPE1551 [2015]
Input Diffusion and the Evolution ofProduction NetworksCarvalho, V. M. and Voigtländer, N.CWPE1550 [2015]
Social Structure, Markets and InequalityGagnon, J. and Goyal, S.CWPE1549 [2015]
Networks in Economics: A Perspective on the LiteratureGoyal, S.CWPE1548 [2015]
Contagion Risk and Network DesignCerdeiro, D., Dziubinski, M. and Goyal, S.CWPE1547 [2015]
Efficiency and equilibrium in network games: An experimentGallo, E. and Yan, C.CWPE1546 [2015]
Community Networks and the Process of DevelopmentMunshi, K.CWPE1545 [2015]
The New Economics of ReligionIyer, S.CWPE1544 [2015]
The Direct Costs and Benefits of US Electric Utility DivestituresTriebs, T. P. and Pollitt, M. G.CWPE1543 [2015]
Markets and long-term contracts: The case of Russian gas supplies to EuropeChyong, C.-K.CWPE1542 [2015]
Electricity markets: Designing auctions where suppliers have uncertain costsHolmberg, P. and Wolak, F.CWPE1541 [2015]
The robustness of industrial commodity oligopoly pricing strategies Newbery, D. M. and Greve, T.CWPE1540 [2015]
Why corporations in developing countries are likely to be even more susceptible to the vicissitudes of international finance than their counterparts in the developed world: A Tribute to Ajit SinghPalma, J. G.CWPE1539 [2015]
Price Instability in Multi-Unit Auctions Anderson, E. and Holmberg, P.CWPE1538 [2015]
In Search of 'Good' Energy Policy: The Social Limits to Technological Solutions to Energy and Climate Problems Pollitt, M.CWPE1537 [2015]
Operating Leverage over the Business CycleBhattacharjee, A., Higson, C. and Holly, S.CWPE1535 [2015]
Global Perspective on Structural Labour Market Reforms in EuropeLastauskas, P. and Stakenas, J.CWPE1534 [2015]
Fiscal Policy and Trade Margins: An Educational ChannelGuadarrama-Baena, R. and Lastauskas, P.CWPE1533 [2015]
Attention and Saliency on the Internet: Evidence from an Online Recommendation SystemHelmers, C., Krishnan, P. and Patnam, M.CWPE1532 [2015]
Can current electricity markets cope with high shares of renewables? A comparison of approaches in Germany, the UK and the State of New YorkPollitt, M. and Anaya, K.CWPE1531 [2015]
Considering Power System Planning in Fragile and Conflict StatesBazilian, M. and Chattopadhyay, D.CWPE1530 [2015]
Policy Shocks and Stock Market Returns: Evidence from Chinese Solar PanelsCrowley, M. A., Meng, N. and Song, H.CWPE1529 [2015]
Human Capital Investment in a Late-Developing Economy: Evidence from Württemberg, c. 1600 – c. 1900Ogilvie, S. and Küpker, M.CWPE1528 [2015]
Is the depressive effect of renewables on power prices contagious? A cross border econometric analysisPhan, S. and Roques, F.CWPE1527 [2015]
Reforming UK energy policy to live within its means Newbery, D. M.CWPE1526 [2015]
Why Do More British Consumers Not Switch Energy Suppliers? The Role of Individual AttitudesHe, X. and Reiner, D.CWPE1525 [2015]
Managerial interpretation and innovation in the context of climate changeHaney, A. B.CWPE1524 [2015]
Oil, Volatility and Institutions:Cross-Country Evidence from Major Oil ProducersEl-Anshasy, A., Mohaddes, K. and Nugent, J. B.CWPE1523 [2015]
Determinate liquidity trapsTambakis, D.CWPE1522 [2015]
Does Anti-Diversification Pay? A One-Sided Matching Model of MicrocreditKlein, T.CWPE1521 [2015]
Is There a Debt-threshold Effect on Output Growth?Chudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, M. H. and Raissi, M.CWPE1520 [2015]
Aggregating Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins of Female Labour SupplyAttanasio, O., Levell, P., Low, H. and Attanasio, O.CWPE1519 [2015]
Modeling the Interactions between Volatility and ReturnsHarvey, A. C. and Lange, R.-J.CWPE1518 [2015]
Volatility Modeling with a Generalized t-distributionHarvey, A. C. and Lange, R.-J.CWPE1517 [2015]
Country-Specific Oil Supply Shocks and the Global Economy: A Counterfactual AnalysisMohaddes, K. and Pesaran, M.CWPE1516 [2015]
The Simple Economics of Asymmetric Cost Pass-ThroughRitz, R.CWPE1515 [2015]
Comparing Conceptions of Social Ontology: Emergent Social Entities and/or Institutional Facts?Lawson, T.CWPE1514 [2015]
Missing Money and Missing Markets: Reliability, Capacity Auctions and InterconnectorsNewbery, D. M.CWPE1513 [2015]
Price Volatility and Demand for Oil: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing CountriesJobling, A. and Jamasb, T.CWPE1512 [2015]
Public Engagement in Electricity Network Development: A Case Study of the Beauly-Denny Project in ScotlandTobiasson, W., Beestermöller, C. and Jamasb, T.CWPE1511 [2015]
Strategic investment and international spillovers in natural gas marketsRitz, R. A.CWPE1510 [2015]
The benefits of integrating European electricity marketsNewbery, D. M., Strbac, G. and Viehoff, I.CWPE1509 [2015]
Capacity market design options: a dynamic capacity investment model and a GB case studyHach, D., Chyong, C. and Spinler, S.CWPE1508 [2015]
Past and Potential Roles of Electricity System Operators: From Liberalisation to Climate Change Management in BritainStern, J.CWPE1507 [2015]
Cost trajectories of low carbon electricity generation technologies in the UK: A study of cost uncertaintyLevi, P. G. and Pollitt, M. G.CWPE1506 [2015]
Distributed Generation: Opportunities for Distribution Network Operators, Wider Society and GeneratorsAnaya, K. L. and Pollitt, M. G.CWPE1505 [2015]
Bargaining Practice and Negotiation Failure in Russia-Ukraine Gas RelationsTingle, D.CWPE1504 [2015]
The Effects of Systemic Banking Crises in the Inter-War PeriodRocha, B. and Solomou, S.CWPE1503 [2015]
Evolution of Bilateral Capital Flows to Developing Countries at Intensive and Extensive MarginsAraujo, J., Lastauskas, P. and Papageorgiou, C.CWPE1502 [2015]
Long-Run Effects in Large Heterogenous Panel Data Models with Cross-Sectionally Correlated ErrorsChudik, A., Mohaddes, K., Pesaran, M. H. and Raissi, M.CWPE1501 [2015]

Recent Publications

Bhattacharya, D., Dupas, P. and Kanaya, S. Demand and Welfare Analysis in Discrete Choice Models with Social Interactions Review of Economic Studies [2023]

Bilbiie, F. O. Monetary Policy and Heterogeneity: An Analytical Framework Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming [2024]

Ritz, R. Does Competition Increase Pass-Through? Rand Journal of Economics [2024]

Evans, R. A. and Reiche, S. K. When Is a Contrarian Adviser Optimal? American Economic Journal: Microeconomics [2023]