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Faculty of Economics

Monday, 19 June, 2023

Our deep condolences go to Professor Cockerill’s family, friends and colleagues.

Professor Sanjeev Goyal is a former Chair of Faculty Board of Economics, and was the Founding Director of the Cambridge-INET Institute and knew Tony well.

He said "Tony was a role model of public spiritedness for all of us at the Faculty of Economics. He was very kind and unassuming, and he worked indefatigably to teach, supervise, and examine undergraduates and MPhil students. In addition, he took on major outreach responsibilities for us like running the Sutton Summer School for economics. He was also editor of the Economics Alumni Magazine for a number of years. He will be deeply missed at the Faculty of Economics."

Professor of Economics and Social Science, Sriya Iyer, and Fellow, St Catharine’s College, said "I really got to know Tony when he first started the Cambridge Economics Alumni Newsletter in 2008, the printed version of the newsletter which is electronic today. At that time, Tony wrote articles for the newsletter with the rest of us, and he was a careful, thoughtful and insightful Editor as well, always portraying the subject matter he was writing about in positive light. I remember him especially at the Marshall Lectures, carefully taking down notes and then interviewing many of the distinguished economists who give the Marshall Lecturers for thoughtful articles about their research, which then appeared subsequently in the Newsletter."

Known as Tony to friends, a distinguished Life Fellow of Magdalene College, Sir Christopher Greenwood, Master of Magdalene, said “It is with very great sadness that we learned of the death of Professor Tony Cockerill. Tony was a highly respected scholar and practising economist. His distinguished career included heading the Manchester Business School and later the Durham Business School. Nothing better demonstrated his devotion both to his subject and to teaching than the fact that on retirement he chose to come and teach undergraduates at Magdalene. We are all immensely grateful for all that he did for the College and our thoughts are with his wife and family at this sad time.”


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