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Faculty of Economics

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 16 December, 2020

A report co-authored by Prof. Giancarlo Corsetti from the Faculty of Economics has been mentioned by Reuters. The 2020 Geneva Report looks at macroeconomic and financial instability and disruptive crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 15 December, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was interviewed about Brexit and it's effect on the UK economy, by the daily French newspaper La Croix. Dr Crowley answered questions on the proposed post-Brexit trade deals that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is negotiating with countries such as Japan, China and the US.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 15 December, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes discussed the economic consequences of COVID-19 and the implications for entrepreneurs, at the King's College special 'Global Perspectives' webinar.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 14 December, 2020

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta gave an interview to the House of Commons, Environment Audit Committee about the findings of his forthcoming independent report into the Economics of Biodiversity. Professor Dasgupta's report will be published early in 2021.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 10 December, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was quoted in The Independent newspaper. The article looks at the suggestion that data revisions on new coronavirus cases by the official statistics body indicate that the UK might have gone into lockdown in November unnecessarily.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 9 December, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed by China Central Television where he spoke about the Chinese Health Codes and how other countries are realising that to effectively come out of lockdown, there must be an effective method of tracing contacts of the virus. Further more an electronic tracking method is a must-have for home isolation and travel.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 9 December, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd has published a new blog for ProMarket (the online publication for The Stigler Center, University of Chicago Booth). Dr Toxvaerd's article "Managing the Covid-19 Pandemic: Good Health Policy Is Good Economic Policy" looks at the unavoidable link between health protection and wealth creation when choosing a response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 7 December, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes was interviewed by Iranian newspaper, Donya-e Eqtesad, about the implications of COVID-19 for the Iranian economy and the difficulty for Iran to obtain a potential vaccine due to sanctions imposed on the country by US President Donald Trump.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 4 December, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes was interviewed by the Times of India about his recent study on the economic consequences of Covid-19. Dr Mohaddes spoke about the direct and indirect effects of this, within the interconnected global economy and how climate change could also be hit severely by it.

Related items:

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 3 December, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes's research "A Counterfactual Economic Analysis of Covid-19 Using a Threshold Augmented Multi-Country Model" has been featured in an article for the University of Cambridge Research News. Dr Mohaddes suggests a lengthy global recession looms as a result of COVID-19, with no country "immune". However, economies such as China will fare better than much of the West.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 2 December, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed for the Channel 4 News website, where he commented that the key difficulty in analysing the effects of the lockdown is to assess what would happen with the disease and the economy in the absence of restrictions.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 1 December, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was quoted in the Independent article "Government Paper Offers no Assessment of Economic Impact of Tier Restrictions". Dr Toxvaerd says the government's COVID analysis falls well short of a full impact study and will be of limited use to justify either lockdown2 or a return to a tiered system of regional restrictions.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 27 November, 2020

Dr. Chryssi Giannitsarou has joined the European Economic Review Journal Editorial Board. Dr Giannitsarou has agreed to be an Associate Editor for the journal, with immediate effect.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 26 November, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes was a panellists at the World Council of Credit Union's Global Financial Symposium on the The Economic Impacts of Covid-19 on Credit Unions. Dr Kamiar Mohaddes presented his recent study entitled "A Counterfactual Economic Analysis of COVID-19 Using a Threshold Augmented Multi-Country Model" (joint with Alexander Chudik, M.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 26 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd gave a virtual talk for Clare College on Tuesday 24 November 2020. His talk was on "Economics and the Epidemic: Models, Behaviour and Policy", which looked at how economists think about disease control and contrast it with the traditional approach adopted in epidemiology and public health.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 24 November, 2020

Flavio Toxvaerd and Miltos Makris (University of Kent) have published an article for VOXeu titled "Vaccines against COVID-19 are on the horizon; now is the time to manage the transition rationally".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 23 November, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes was interviewed for the Iranian newspaper, Donya-e-Eqtesad. The article looks at the impact of Covid-19 on the Iranian economy as well as the global economy.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 16 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed on BBC Radio Ulster for their weekly business and economy round up. Dr. Toxvaerd discussed the costs and benefits on the economy, of using circuit breakers and lockdowns to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 16 November, 2020

Dr Carolina Alves is curating two panels at the Bristol Festival of Economics Ideas. One on how the discipline of economics has been challenged about its Eurocentric nature. And a second on the extent to which the project of economic development has its basis in colonial power structures.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 16 November, 2020

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta was among the panel of leading scientists, academics, businesspeople and activists for the BBC World Service - World Questions programme. The panel discussed the environment and what we can do to help it.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 12 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd is one of the economists featured in the Wall Street Journal article "Research Ties Curbing the Covid-19 Pandemic to Saving the Economy", which looks at the economists currently working on the economics of the pandemic and how the academic discipline combining economics and epidemiology is attracting new specialists.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 12 November, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was quoted in the New Statesman article "The Freeport Con", which looks at the setting up of freeports as a post-Brexit trade policy. The UK government is championing these free economic zones, but experts are not convinced they will work.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 11 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed on BBC Scotland's Drivetime programme, where he talked about the costs and benefits of suppressing COVID-19 and made the point that perhaps rather than looking at the negative impact caused by the UK's second lockdown, we should be looking at it as an investment in the future.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 10 November, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley gave a pre-recorded interview to Victoria Craig for the Marketplace Morning Report podcast. In the interview, Dr. Crowley talks about what a Joe Biden administration means for future UK-US trade relations and for Brexit. The Marketplace Morning Report is a BBC programme that broadcasts in the US on National Public Radio.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 10 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd took part in a roundtable discussion "The Economics of Covid-19 Suppression Measures", which looked at the economic costs and benefits of the UK's second nation lockdown. This online event was organised by the Tony Blair Institute For Global Change and took place on Friday 6th November 2020.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 9 November, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed on BBC Scotland's Drivetime programme, where he talked about the UK's second lockdown being just one of the tools available to control COVID-19. He added that it does have a significant economic impact and is one of the most extreme of so called non-pharmaceutical interventions.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 2 November, 2020

Dr Flavio Toxvaerd and Dr Chryssi Giannitsarou (with Ben Moll - LSE), have written a new entry for the Economics Observatory asking The Pound-of-Flesh Fallacy: Do Lockdowns Simply Postpone The Pain Of C

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 29 October, 2020

Dr. Christopher Rauh was interviewed on "Wake up to Money" on "BBC Radio 5 Live" where he discussed the indirect costs to the economy of the furlough scheme from people staying at home and preventing the economy from adapting to the new normal.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 28 October, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd will guest edit (co-edited with Cecile Aubert, University of Bordeaux and TSE) the European Economic Review Journal's Special Section on economics of infectious diseases and epidemics.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 28 October, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was quoted the Le Soir newspaper article, "Brexit: does a 'no deal' depend on the American election?", which looks at how a Joe Biden victory in the US Election could impact Brexit. The article is in Belgian.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 27 October, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti has been invited to give two keynote speeches.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was interviewed for Cheddar News Network on Friday 23rd October 2020, where he discussed the reimplementation of lockdowns across Europe, due to the rise in COVID-19 cases and the global economic impact of this.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 20 October, 2020

Dr Kamiar Mohaddes, with Alexander Chudik (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), M Hashem Pesaran (University of Southern California), Mehdi Raissi (IMF) and Alessandro Rebucci (Johns Hopkins Carey Business School) have published an article for VOXeu titled "

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 19 October, 2020

China's economy is picking up steam as the country continues to steadily recover from the economic turmoil caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The world's second largest economy expanded 4.9% in the July-to-September quarter compared to a year ago, according to new Chinese government statistics. It's a V shaped recovery, according to Dr. Meredith Crowley.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 19 October, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes took part in the second of Centre for Science and Policy's (CSaP) Science, Policy & a Green Recovery Podcasts.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 16 October, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was a panelist at the UK in a Changing Europe Isolation Insight Webinar, "Economics of Covid-19 and Brexit, revisited", where the panelists discussed the economics of the Covid-19 pandemic and the UK's exit from the EU. This online event took place on 15th October 2020.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 16 October, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley will be presenting new research on trade agreements at the World Bank's "The Economics of Deep Trade Agreements Seminar Series". Dr.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 14 October, 2020

The Centre for Economic Policy Research, the Graduate Institute, Geneva and the International Monetary Fund are hosting an online seminar with Professor Giancarlo Corsetti Raphael Espinoza (IMF) and Beatrice Weder di Mauro (CEPR) on Wendesday 21st October 2020, from 1.30pm. The panel will be discussing the October 2020 chapter of the IMF's Fiscal Monitor Report.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 6 October, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was quoted in The Telegraph article "Fears Wet Weather Could Fuel Covid 19 Spread." and also commented on a recent No.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 6 October, 2020

Dr Chryssi Giannitsarou and Flavio Toxvaerd's VOXeu "What To Do If COVID-19 Is Here To Stay" was quoted in Jeffrey Sparshott's Wall Street Journal Economics Blog "

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 5 October, 2020
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 1 October, 2020

Dr Sriya Iyer was interviewed by Dr Shruti Rajagopalan for the Ideas of India podcast (Mercatus Center, Washington DC). They spoke about Dr Iyer's "The Economics of Religion" book and the links between economics and religion in India and the rise of Hindu nationalism.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 30 September, 2020

There is little doubt that John Maynard Keynes fundamentally shaped economics and policymaking in the twentieth century. Less appreciated is that he owes some of his central insights to a brilliant Cambridge polymath who died in 1930 at age 26.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 29 September, 2020

Dr Flavio Toxvaerd was quoted in the following news outlets; the New Scientist, Medscape,

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 29 September, 2020

As part of a High-Level Advisory Panel, Dr. Petra Geraats helped shape a new Central Bank Transparency Code, which has been published by The International Monetary Fund (IMF). The new Code, which has been approved by the IMF's Executive Board, replaces the IMF's Monetary and Financial Policies Transparency Code from 1999.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 25 September, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd was asked by the Science Media Centre to comment on this open letter to the Prime Minister and his team from a group across medicine, academia and other areas "Covid-19 policy response Open Letter" and Dr.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 23 September, 2020
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 21 September, 2020

Dr. Debopam Bhattacharya and Renata Rabovic (former Postdoctoral Researcher, Faculty of Economics) have published an article for VOXeu titled "Testing Meritocracy in University Admissions".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 18 September, 2020

Dr Noriko Amano Patino was interviewed for the Cambridge Centre for International Research's Ideas & Innovation Talk Series about her joint paper with Elisa Faraglia, Chryssi Giannitsarou and Zeina Hasna titled "

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 18 September, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti and Lorenzo Codogno (Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE) have published an article for VOXeu titled "Post-Pandemic Debt Sustainability in the EU/Euro Area: This Tim

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 16 September, 2020

We are pleased to announce that Dr Tiago Cavalcanti has been appointed to join the Board of Economics of the State of São Paulo in Brazil. The group will provide external expert economic analysis, current and future financial outlooks, and advice to the governor of São Paulo and state secretaries.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 15 September, 2020

On 10 September, Citigroup named Cambridge Economics Alumna Jane Fraser as their new chief executive. This is the first time that a woman has been appointed as CEO of a large Wall Street bank. Jane Fraser attended Girton College between 1985 and 1988 and graduated with a BA from the Economics Tripos in 1988. The Faculty of Economics would like to congratulate her on this historic and prestigious appointment.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 9 September, 2020

Dr Christopher Rauh, with Abi Adams-Prassl (University of Oxford), Teodora Boneva (University of Zurich) and Marta Golin (University of Oxford) have published an article for VOXe

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 7 September, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd spoke recently about 'Future Challenges for Economic Epidemiology' at the COVID-19 Symposium of the European Economic Association. A video of Dr. Toxvaerd's talk is available to watch on the EEA youtube channel.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 1 September, 2020

Prof. Giancarlo Corsetti will be speaking at the D-DebtCon Webinar entitled 'Sovereign Debt in the European Union' on 8 September 2020 at 3.30PM CEST on 'Debt Crises Fast and Slow'. See the Programme and Registration details.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 1 September, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd has written a new entry for the Economics Observatory asking Do people change their behaviour when face masks are mandatory?

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 28 August, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd will be speaking at the Covid 19 Symposium on August 28th 2020 at 15.30 CEST organised by the EEA Congress and will look at future challenges for the epi-economics literature.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 25 August, 2020

Professor Vasco Carvalho and Professor Andrea Galeotti (London Business School) have published an article for Economics Observatory on "How Can Production Network Analysis Inform Policy on C

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 18 August, 2020

Dr. Flavio Toxvaerd has published a new Bennett Institute for Public Policy blog "Herd Immunity -- Crucial Yet Irrelevant" and working paper "On the Management of Population Immunity" (joint with Prof. Robert Rowthorn).

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 14 August, 2020

Professor Vasco Carvalho and Dr Flavio Toxvaerd are among the authors of a Royal Society DELVE Initiative Report which looks at the new challenges for the economy and public health that the COVID-19 Pandemic will bring over the coming years.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 7 August, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti, Joao B Duarte (Nova School of Business and Economics) and Samuel Mann (IMF) have published an article for VOXeu titled "The Heterogeneo

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 5 August, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will give the Cambridge Institute of Therapeutic Immunology and Infectious Disease's COVID-19 Weekly Webinar on "Can Social Distancing Improve the Trade-off Between Health and the Economy?".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 24 July, 2020

The Faculty would like to congratulate Professor Giancarlo Corsetti, who has been elected a Fellow of the British Academy. A Fellowship of the British Academy (FBA) is an award granted by the British Academy to leading academics for their distinction in the humanities and social sciences.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 23 July, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley will be a panellist on the live webinar "The European Parliament and Future EU-UK Trade Relations", organised by the European Parliament Liaison Office in the United Kingdom.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 20 July, 2020
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 30 June, 2020

Dr. José Gabriel Palma, who retired from his Senior Lectureship in the Faculty in 2014, delivered the "Amartya Sen Lecture" at this years Human Development and Capability Association Conference in New Zealand (Online).

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 22 June, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley gave testimony to the House of Commons International Trade Committee, via Zoom, on the 17th June 2020. You can watch a video of the meeting on the website.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 18 June, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley is one of the authors of a new report called "The Brexit Negotiations: A Stocktake", published by academic think tank UK in a Changing Europe.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 12 June, 2020

The Faculty and Cambridge-INET Institute would like to congratulate PhD candidate and Cambridge Trust Cambridge-INET Scholarship student, Seung Hyun Maeng, who was one of just three students to win the CERF best student paper award for his paper "


Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 4 June, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti's article entitled "Can Social Distancing Improve the Trade Off between Health and Economy?", which discusses how public health measures such as social distancing can reduce deaths by keeping the number of infected individuals from exceeding the capacity of the health care system has been featured by CNN and Trends (in Dutch).

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 2 June, 2020

UK in a Changing Europe have published a blog by Dr.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 29 May, 2020

Dr Noriko Amano Patino's VOXeu article and paper (joint with Elisa Faraglia, Chryssi Giannitsarou and Zeina Hasna), entitled "Who is doing new research in the time of COVID-19?

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Sunday, 24 May, 2020

Dr Edoardo Gallo has been awarded a grant by the International Foundation for Research in Experimental Economics (IFREE) for a project on "Monetary networks". The project is led by Dr.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 19 May, 2020

Dr. Ha-Joon Chang was interviewed by Matthew Taylor (Royal Society of Arts, Chief Executive) as part of the RSA special interview series "Bridges to the Future - Response to Covid-19".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 13 May, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was quoted in the New Statesman article "Will the UK's free ports project survive Covid-19?" which looks at the delays and possible cancellation of UK free ports project after the COVID-19 crisis.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 7 May, 2020

The Faculty would like to congratulate PhD candidates Keith Chan and Lukas Freund, who have been selected to attend the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 6 May, 2020

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta will be talking to Minouche Shafik (LSE Director) about his research into "The Economics of Biodiversity". The virtual event will take place on Thursday 7th May 2020 1.00pm to 2.00pm and is hosted by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 5 May, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley will join Ed Balls, Nick Macpherson, and George Osbourne to discuss Covid-19 and the next round of the UK-US Free Trade Agreement at a webinar organised by The Strand Group.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 4 May, 2020

Dr Noriko Amano-Patiño, Dr Elisa Faraglia, Dr Chryssi Giannitsarou and PhD candidate Zeina Hasna have published an article for VOXeu titled "

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 1 May, 2020

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti's research entitled "Can Social Distancing Improve Trade Between Health And Economy?" has been featured by CNBC and University of Cambridge Research News.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 30 April, 2020

Dr. Christopher Rauh has been interviewed about his research in a Naked Scientists podcast entitled "COVID-19: Beyond the Virus" which looks at the impacts of coronavirus beyond the virus: how is it hitting economies, universities and our mental wellbeing plus, researchers come up with a way out of the lockdown.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 28 April, 2020

Dr. William H. Janeway's article titled "Covid 19 is not World War II" which discusses how the COVID-19 era has little in common with the US mobilization for war in the 1940s has appeared in Project Syndicate.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 24 April, 2020

Professor Vasco Carvalho's research on the "real time evolution" of economic activity during the COVID-19 pandemic has been featured in The Economist.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 23 April, 2020

Dr. Christopher Rauh's research into The Economic Impact of COVID-19 on Workers has been featured in by number of media outlets, including The Economist, The Telegraph, The Independent, The Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Wired, Vice, Mirage News, BBC Newsnight and University of Cambridge Research News.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 23 March, 2020

Dr. Juan Block was interviewed by Lizzy Burden of The Telegraph, for the article "Is Panic Buying Irrational? Here's Why It Can Seem To Make Economic Sense", which discusses different theoretical rationale behind panic buying.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 12 March, 2020

Dr. Kamiar Mohaddes was interviewed by Newsweek in the article "Iran Faces Fourth Crisis in Oil Crash Amid U.S. Sanctions, Coronavirus and Protests", which looks at the role of the corona virus, U.S.

Keywords: IranOilSanctionsUS
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 11 March, 2020

Dr. Sriya Iyer was invited by the Chief Economist's Office at the UK Department for International Development (DFID) to give a talk on her research on the economics of religion in India.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 6 March, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley and Raoul Ruparel (former special advisor to Theresa May) took part in a Brexit Breakdown podcast, for The UK in a Changing Europe.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 6 March, 2020

Professor Sanjeev Goyal, Dr. Anja Prummer (former Cambridge-INET Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Queen Mary University of London) and Dr.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 18 February, 2020

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta was interviewed by Radio New Zealand about his research into biodiversity, particularly his Review of the Economics of Biodiversity and his pioneering work into Inclusive Wealth Index, that aims to puts a monetary value on natural resources.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 31 January, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was interviewed by BBC World Service's World Update programme about the prospect for the UK and EU negotiating a trade deal modelled on the EU's deal with Canada. You can listen to the programme on the BBC website (story starts at 6mins).

Keywords: EUBrexitTradeUK
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 29 January, 2020

The British Academy blog has published an essay by nine Fellows of the Academy on how the humanities and social sciences could shape the 2020s.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 27 January, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland about the UK's proposed digital sales tax and whether it will lead to a trade war with the US. You can listen to the programme on the BBC website (starts at 1h 06m).

Keywords: TaxUSTradeUK
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 27 January, 2020

Professor David Newbery was the lead author on the Ofgem commissioned report "The Value of International Electricity Trading".

Keywords: EnergyEUTradeUK
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 24 January, 2020

The Cabinet Office blog has published an essay by Professor Sheilagh Ogilvie on her 2019 Thought Experiment Lecture at the Treasury. Prof.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 23 January, 2020

Dr. Meredith Crowley was interviewed on BBC Radio 4's Today Programme, discussing the US-UK spat over a proposed digital services tax on. You can listen to the programme on the BBC website (starts at 1h 25m).

Keywords: TaxUSTradeUK