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Faculty of Economics

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 16 December, 2019

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will deliver the 2019 Federico Caffe Lecture at Sapienza University of Rome on 18th and 19th December 2019. Prof Corsetti's lecture topic will be "Debt and Macroeconomic Stabilization".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 27 November, 2019

Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta gave the 2019 Martin Buber Memorial Lecture at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, on the 26th November 2019, in Jerusalem. Prof. Dasgupta's talk was titled "The Economics of Biodiversity".

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 6 November, 2019

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will speak at The International Monetary Fund's Twentieth Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference, which is being held at the IMF headquarters in Washington DC on 7th-8th November 2019

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 14 October, 2019

Professor Sheilagh Ogilvie will give the Thought Experiment Lecture at the Cabinet Office on Friday 18 October.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Thursday, 26 April, 2018

Professor Sanjeev Goyal will give the MIT Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) Distinguished Seminar on Tuesday 1st May 2018, Cambridge, MA. See poster for details.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 18 April, 2018

Professor Sanjeev Goyal holds the Ganshof van der Meersch Chair for 2017-2018. He will deliver a series of public lectures in Brussels on April 23-26, 2018. The opening lecture will be "Integration and Diversity", on Monday 23 April at 6pm at Institute of European Studies (IEE), Brussels.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 21 March, 2018

Prof. Giancarlo Corsetti has two Keynote Speeches this week. At the Deutsche Bundesbank's "Fiscal Policy in EMU -- The Way Ahead", in Frankfurt and the IMF Conference "Many Objectives or Too Few Instruments?" in Washington DC.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 20 March, 2018

As part of the Royal Economics Society's Annual Conference in Brighton, there will be a Plenary Panel on Brexit - "The View on Brexit from Abroad: New Opportunities or Damage Control?". Dr. Meredith Crowley will be speaking as part of the panel.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 21 February, 2018

Former PhD student, Jasmine Xiao (Assistant Professor of Economics, Notre Dame) and current PhD student Lidia Smitkova will both present their work at the 26th CEPR European Summer Symposium in International Macroeconomics (ESSIM) 2018, in Oslo.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 6 February, 2018

Professor Sanjeev Goyal will deliver a Keynote Lecture at The Conference on Complexity, Networks, and Collective Behaviour in Zaragoza, Spain.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 31 January, 2018

Dr Elisa Faraglia and Dr Matt Elliott are to speak at the CERF in the City 2018 event on The Risks in Financial Markets.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 3 January, 2018

Dr. Meredith Crowley is speaking on "Globalisation at a Crossroads" at the Danish Institute for International Studies in Copenhagen on 10 January 2018. Watch all the talks from the event on the DIIS website.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 13 December, 2017

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti is to deliver the keynote lecture "Exchange Rate Misalignment, Capital Flows and Optimal Monetary Policy Trade-offs" at the First Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster. The event will be held at the Bank of Spain in Madrid on November 16th and 17th 2017.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 11 December, 2017

Professor Sanjeev Goyal has been invited to talk at the Delhi School of Economics Winter School 2017, which is being held between the 13th and 15th December 2017.

Keywords: Invited Lecture
Economics News | Published on Monday, 11 December, 2017

Professor Kaivan Munshi will deliver the Infosys Prize Lecture at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore on 15th December 2017, and the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai on 4th January 2018.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 3 November, 2017

Professor Kaivan Munshi will deliver this years Indu Bhatt Lecture at Yale University on 9th November 2017. The title of the talk is Missing Girls. This annual lecture is organized by the South Asian Studies Council and the MacMillan Center at Yale University and is open to the public.

Keywords: Invited Lecture
Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 25 October, 2017

Dr Elisa Faraglia will speak at the one-day Taking Fiscal Policy Seriously workshop. This event is hosted by The Nufffield Centre for Applied Macro Policy (NuCamp) in London on 9th November 2017.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 17 October, 2017

Dr. Meredith Crowley is speaking at a Trade and Brexit event at the British Academy on 2nd November. To register for the conference Click Here.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 6 September, 2017

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will speak at the 1st Joint Regional Financing Arrangements (RFAs) Research Seminar (AMRO, ESM and FLAR) in Singapore, Sept 7th 2017, on "

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 7 June, 2017

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti is giving a talk on 'Capital flows and monetary policy trade-offs' at the Annual MacCaLM Conference, University of Edinburgh on 21st June 2017.

MacCaLM is an ESRC Research Project.

The Annual conference is held in association with the Bank of England and the Scottish Government.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Wednesday, 22 February, 2017

Andy Haldane(Chief Economist at the Bank of England) will give the next St Catharine's Political Economy Seminar in the series on the Economics of Austerity on "Whose Recovery?". The event will be held Wednesday 22 February 2017, 18:00 -19:30, in the Mill Lane Lecture Room 1.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 16 December, 2016

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti presents "Stabilizing the economy - what is the role of fiscal policy?" at conference hosted by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Monday, 7 November, 2016

St Edmund's College is pleased to announce that Andy Haldane (Chief Economist at the Bank of England) will give the seventh in a series of lectures in memory of the late Professor G.L.S. Shackle, on 10th November 2016, in Lecture Room LG18, Faculty of Law.

Keywords: Invited Lecture
Economics News | Published on Friday, 28 October, 2016

During the first annual Witteveen Lecture, Professor Coen Teulings will speak on the dire macro-economic situation in Europe and the monetary and fiscal policy.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Tuesday, 27 October, 2015

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will be a keynote speaker at the 18th European Central Bank Macroeconomic Modelling Workshop 7-8 Dec 2015. The events will be held in Wellington, New Zealand.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 28 August, 2015

Professor Giancarlo Corsetti will be speaking at the EABCN Discussion Meeting "Rethinking the Link Between Exchange Rates and Inflation: Misperceptions and New Approaches". The event will be held on Monday, 28 September 2015 at the Band of England, London.

Media Mentions & Appearances | Published on Friday, 7 August, 2015

Professor Sanjeev Goyal to give an invited talk on 'Networks and Markets', at the 2015 World Congress of the Econometric Society in Montreal.